But--before the form can be posted but after it is completed, a company executive must certify that he or she has examined the OSHA 300 Log and "...believes....that the process by which the information was recorded, ...and...that the annual summary is correct and complete."
The executive is assuming responsibility and accountability for the accuracy of the process and the information. This is generally not the person who keeps the day to day records.
OSHA can cite an a employer if the OSHA Form 300A is not posted as required.
Are you a covered employer? Here are some excerpts from the web site. The link follows the info:
- Every employer - regardless of size or industry - must orally report any incident that involves the death of a worker and/or the hospitalization of three or more workers. You must call your local OSHA office or 1-800-321-OSHA within eight hours. You don't have to report most highway or commercial carrier accidents, but you must report fatal heart attacks that occur at work.
- If you have 10 or fewer workers, you normally do not need to keep injury and illness records. Remember to include temporary employees under your direct supervision in that count. And if you're in one of the exempt low-hazard industries, you don't have to keep records unless OSHA or BLS asks you to participate in their annual surveys.
This is a presentation script on OSHA recordkeeping from OSHA. Enjoy :-)
( http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/ppt2/ppt2script.html)